Out Of Stock Pt. 3

(Con­clud­ing a paper for the 244th Con­gress of the Forum for Amer­i­can Folklore.) Pin­ball”

The stu­dio enacts a com­plex pro­gram for dense agglom­er­a­tions com­pris­ing exten­sive ramp­ing, active­ly ener­giz­ing store­fronts and kiosks, move­able access-gates, vibrant sit­u­a­tion­al light­ing, qui­et side-lanes, nodes for repose, active aur­al stim­uli, timed event-win­dows, and a com­pre­hen­sive scor­ing of cit­i­zen activities.

2140 Junior Archi­tec­ture Stu­dio, descrip­tion from the Bell­tow­er School of Archi­tec­ture Year in Review, 1999. Car­pet”

Today, what remains is a vast over­grown lawn, dashed with split-rail fences, dot­ted with for­syth­ias, Here and there, a lit­tle tree­house left up in a lit­tle maple tree.

Eric Beebe, Brasstown: A Tox­ic Lega­cy,” The Wis­con­sin­ian (Octo­ber 1979), p. 31. Flat­pack”

This kind of expe­ri­ence can be found wait­ing with­in the exist­ing city, in long pieces, in the mar­ket streets. Many bulk goods sit­ting on their card­board, rolls of sod, plas­tic slides, brick veneer, arcade machines, dog bub­blers, bas­kets of rush­es, fat-bot­tomed birch­es, curly bulbs, gas jets, man­holes and man­hole cov­ers, spar­rows, curb cuts and long sprayers, with cans of pink spray paint.”

-Dex Brick­ey, A Liar’s Guide to Bangkok. Phaz­er, 1995. Flight 800

Behind the scenes, things get more com­pli­cat­ed. Bak­er and the rest of the staff spend the bet­ter part of every day sort­ing and re-sort­ing arti­facts from the old days of Eau Claire that have been saved by fam­i­lies or found in junk­yards. When peo­ple find out about what we do, they real­ly want to help,” Bak­er explains. But it means more time fig­ur­ing out where every­thing should go – and how to tell its story.”

Lena Zwack, A Piece of the Past: Old Eau Claire,” Muse­um Today (Sep­tem­ber 1993), p. 66. Gag”

In the land of the Coun­try­poli­tan car­toon, ground floors are tak­en up by bars; above them are offices for cor­po­ra­tions and ther­a­pists. Beyond a lit­tle sub­urb, where the men stand out­side and the women work inside, there are moun­tains, with a guru atop each one. The sea is light­ly dot­ted with tiny islands, each one held togeth­er by a sin­gle palm tree. Peo­ple look at each oth­er with a curi­ous mix of jad­ed­ness and disbelief.

-Tom Gross, Intro­duc­tion.” 75 Years of the Coun­try­poli­tan, Coun­try­poli­tan Press, 1998. Sin­gle File”

I’ve been walk­ing this road so long/​the hous­es start to look the same/​I walk this line till I discover/it’s just one thing after another

Prudie Chap­man, One Thing After Another,” Prudie Chap­man, TNT Records, 1985. Good Faith”

The Beek­man

Roast beef, roast­ed toma­toes, and ched­dar on sourdough

The Drey­blatt

Turkey, car­rot, sprouts and Russ­ian dress­ing on mar­ble rye

The Sam­son

Capi­co­la, pro­sciut­to, muen­ster and swiss on a tor­pe­do roll

-menu from Drey­blatt Street Din­er, Chevy Chase, MD, ca. 1997. Par­a­dis­i­cal”

I imag­ined a city on the side of a fluffy white cloud/​but the def­i­n­i­tion changed as the cloud rolled by

-Bil­lie Caut­ley, Sit­ting on a Hill,” Here I Come, Ama­ra Records, 1978.

(September 2023)