
I just got my copy of LA+‘s Imag­i­na­tion issue, fea­tur­ing a design fic­tion by Jake Boswell and myself. We received an hon­or­able men­tion for our work as part of a com­pe­ti­tion ask­ing for fic­tion­al designs for islands.

Jake and I con­ceived of this sto­ry between our inter­ests in con­fi­dence schemes, dynam­ic land­scape design, and mar­itime law. It also fea­tures a con­tri­bu­tion from one of our favorite fic­tion­al tropes, the para­noiac bul­letin board. Take a look and check out the rest of the excel­lent work as well.

(August 2018)